Stick Empires Wiki

Eclipsors, or Wingidons serve as the fast flying ranged unit for Chaos.

Eclipsor FULL

The Eclipsor.


Eclipsor Box

Eclipsors appear very similar to Archidons, but have wings. Unlike Albowtrosses, these wings are organic. Eclipsors are armed with a longbow.


Eclipsor Armoury

An Eclipsor as it appears in the armoury.

Health 2 Bars Unarmoured (18HP)
Damage Medium
Speed Fast
Cost 400 Gold, 150 Mana
Training Time 20 seconds
Population 3

Note: The Stick Empires community has no numerical information on Damage or Speed for Chaos Units, so these values are merely comparative. 


Eclipsor with Crawlers fighting Order


Eclipsors with a ghostly Juggerknight


Eclipsors have high damage and good speed, the latter trait of which outclasses the Deads as excellent ranged hit-and-run units, and are more often utilised in kiting as a result. However, unlike the Deads, Eclipsors are unarmoured and have low health, making them very susceptible to DoT and ranged attacks. 


Eclipsor Harass

Eclipsors are often used with Juggerknights, that tank Castle Archers, to harass economies.

  • Eclipsors have been nerfed in the past with damage reductions and increases in build time(from 16 seconds to 20 seconds). 
  • Eclipsors are weaker than their counterparts, the Albowtrosses, which are armoured and have the upgrade 'Blazing Bolts'. However, they are much more nimble.
  • In the alpha and beta versions of Stick Empires, the Eclipsor was labelled in-game as the "Wingidon. "